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10 Reasons Why IT Leaders Decide Not to Buy Backup & Disaster Recovery Systems

The data is in and here are the top 10 reasons they don’t update their Backup & disaster recovery...

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Detecting Ransomware In Your Backups? It’s Already A Reality

In 2016, it was estimated that roughly 80 percent of U.S. companies have suffered a cyber-attack of...

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Agent-Based Backups and Agentless Backups

So, when do you use agent-based backups vs. agentless? When choosing between the two, there are a...

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Is IT Running Your Business?

Do they know that 40 percent of companies whose Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plans...

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Will You Be Scrambling in a Disaster?

Are you 100 percent certain that staff could access accounting, production, calendars, shared files...

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Don’t Be THAT Company!

Like it or not, the most important asset in your business is your data, but many businesses still...

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